After years of doing location portraits, we added a studio to our home. The studio consists of a gallery with private entry that leads to the camera room. "The Gallery" features current portraits of high school seniors from various local schools including West Geauga, Chardon, Aurora and Solon. In addition to senior portraits, several family pictures are displayed both on canvas and in custom matted frames. Several bridal portraits are also featured, one is a 20" x 40 " canvas portrait of a bridal party taken at the Botanical Gardens at University Circle. Our "Gallery Wrap Canvas" prints are mounted on wooden frames and need no other frame. They have been very popular and can even have brush strokes to resemble a

The camera room provides clients with a comfortable venue to relax as they pose for their portraits. Various backgrounds are available to compliment clothing choices and totally white "high key"full length backgrounds are also available. The studio lights are the most current technology and vary the lighting to produce portraits that compliment our clients. In addition to the lighting technology, state of the art cameras are used to capture images directly into a computer so that you can view those beautiful smiles immediately!

Next: The Multi-Media Presentation Theater