It's Senior Portrait time at Rychels Designer Portraits and Shaker Photo Studio ! We consider a young man's or young lady's high school portrait to be the most significant picture taken of an individual. Why ? Because, it is probably the only time in most peoples lives that they are the center of attention in a quality professional portrait environment.
The picture that our moms have on their mantel for years, the picture that defines who you are in high school and the one that every class reunion for the next 50 years will remember you by.
This portrait is yours alone, it is not shared with a bride or groom, on a wedding day. It speaks to who you are alone.
That is why we take such care to capture each and every student on personal level. One mother after looking at our website stated, "Each senior picture looks so different" a compliment we were proud to accept. No cookie cutter factory type portraits here.
We felt sorry for the North Royalton student that could not even view her yearbook picture because the school forced her to go to a contract photographer and his policy was to only let students that bought a multiple pose sitting view their yearbook picture in advance.
She came to us for special portraits, portraits that were her choice for her family and friends.
Choose a professional photographer. One that will take the time to make your most significant portrait one that you can be proud of for a lifetime