A new service offered by Mark Rychel, Photographers is
IN HOME PROJECTION. Recently we did family portraits for the King Family at their home. We photographed a number of family groups, the entire family, individual families, grand children as well as 3 generations of Kenny Kings.

One of the pictures recreated an exact picture of the grand kids on the front porch steps of their home, that was taken 10 years earlier. We duplicated the kids' exact expressions. The new portrait hangs right next to the original in Mary Ann and Kenny's study.
Soon after we took the pictures, we brought our projection equipment into the King home and projected the pictures on the walls of Kenny and Mary Ann's home, in the
exact size that they would be printed. At first we thought the large family picture would be best above the fireplace, but that location was too high to see all the family members. Then a spot by the front door caught our eye.

It was perfect, as neighbors, family, and guests walk in the front door they are greeted by the entire King family, in portrait form. The 20" by 40" wrapped canvas portrait works perfectly on the right hand entrance wall in the King home. Projecting the portraits on the wall allowed Kenny and Mary Ann to create a warmth to their foyer that reflectd their dedication and enthusiasm for their beautiful family.
By the way- That is the former Euclid Beach rocket in the family picture.
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